Alcohol and Drug Support Line
A confidential 24/7 phone line for anyone in Western Australia concerned about their own or someone else’s alcohol and or other drug use.
Welcome to the Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Support Service (ADMHSS). Formerly known as the Alcohol and Drug Support Service (ADSS).
ADMHSS is part of the Mental Health Commission, promoting our range of support services and informative resources to those who need them.
ADMHSS provides mental health and alcohol or other drug support. We offer 24/7 confidential, non-judgemental telephone counselling, information, and referral through our three support lines for anyone concerned about their own or someone else’s alcohol, other drug use, or mental health.
We provide one-to-one phone support with a qualified counsellor and the possibility of accessing our parent and family peer volunteers. Our services are for consumers, concerned others, family members, carers or health professionals.
All services within the ADMHSS are free.
The Volunteer Support Network is made up of trained parent and family peer volunteers, who have personal experience of someone else’s alcohol or other drug use.
Parent and family peer volunteers provide telephone support on the Parent and Family Drug Support Line. Our helpline is for parents and families concerned about the alcohol or other drug use of someone they support. In addition, people calling the support line can speak to one of our counsellors.
The Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Support Service accepts call-back referrals to assist health professionals to support their clients. We can provide support and counselling as well as information about statewide alcohol and other drug and mental health services.
Do you need assistance for someone with whom you are working? Would you like professional support related to alcohol or other drug use and or mental health issues?
We work using evidence-based best practices.
ADMHSS is not a crisis centre. For emergencies, please dial 000.