ADMHSS have listed frequently asked questions to assist anyone worried about their own or someone else's alcohol and or drug use.  Our goal is to offer some clarity and support for those dealing with these challenges.

When browsing our FAQ section, simply click on a question that interests you to expand the answer.  If you don't find what you are looking for, feel free to reach out by contacting any one of our support lines.

Frequently asked questions.

There are many reasons people call our lines. We do take referrals, especially from GPs and hospital emergency departments, but most people call us on their own initiative. You can call anytime and there is no need for an appointment. A small, but far from exhaustive list of reasons why people call us is below:

  • Concern about their own alcohol or drug use and seeking advice on how to stop or cut down.
  • They have decided to make changes to their drug or alcohol use and are looking to discover what help and services are available.
  • Their mental health has become problematic, and they are seeking support or to be put in contact with services in their area.
  • They are on a waiting list to access other services like rehab or face-to-face counselling and seeking support in the interim.
  • Their child or partner has an alcohol or drug issue, and they are seeking advice on how to manage the situation.
  • They have stopped using drugs or alcohol and require support to manage cravings and prevent relapse.
  • They require advice to navigate complicated health systems like getting a bed in rehab or accessing tightly controlled pharmacotherapies like methadone.
  • They are seeking advice on specialised issues such as work-place drug testing, drink spiking, or harm reduction to reduce risks of ongoing use.

It is important to note that we are not a crisis or emergency line – if there is an emergency (drug overdose, fits or seizures from drug withdrawal, risk of violence etc.) it is vital that you call 000 immediately.

For a mental health crisis, call the Mental Health Emergency Response Line (MHERL) on 1300 555 788.

If you are feeling suicidal or thinking about harming yourself, some appropriate lines to reach out to are:

  • Lifeline 24 hr crisis support: 13 11 14
  • Suicide Call Back Service 24 hrs: 1300 659 467

Depending upon your circumstances when you call, there are a variety of ways our counsellors maybe able to assist you. The selection below is by no means exhaustive, but gives a good overview of some of the more common ways in which we help people who call us.

  • If you are looking to cease or cut down on your alcohol or drug use, our counsellors can work with you to devise a plan of action that is realistic, feasible and safe.
  • If you are seeking to contact services such as face-to-face counselling in your area, we can provide you with this information.
  • If you are on a waiting list to begin counselling or currently detoxing at home, we can provide you with support, encouragement and advice throughout this period. Where appropriate, we can arrange for a series of call backs to assist you to stay on track with your plans for change.
  • If you are calling from outside Western Australia we will provide you with details of equivalent agencies in your home state which will be familiar with services in your local area.
  • Trying to access medically supervised detox or residential rehabilitation can often be a very complicated process and our counsellors can provide advice to help you navigate these treatment pathways.
  • If you are having issues with or have misplaced your prescription for pharmacotherapy (e.g., methadone or buprenorphine) we can connect you with the Community Pharmacotherapy Program (CPP) to assist you with this.
  • If you have called the Parent and Family Drug Support Line about the alcohol or drug use of your child or other family member, our counsellors will provide support and practical advice about managing the situation, your own self-care, how to raise this issue with your loved one and advice about treatment options. We can assist you to make an action management plan including setting clear boundaries and expectations surrounding the family member’s behaviour.
  • We understand that when a family member’s drinking or drug use feels like it is tearing at the fabric of your family it can be very traumatic and distressing. It can often involve making some very difficult and painful decisions about what path of action to take. The Parent and Family Drug Support Line has a team of parent family peer volunteers who have lived through similar situations with their own family and have first-hand experience of these types of problems. The parent family peer volunteers can listen to you, empathise with your situation and support you to make a realistic plan of action that is mindful of both you and your child’s wellbeing. Callers often tell us how helpful it is talking to someone who understands their situation from a personal perspective. Many callers report feeling less alone, less to blame and report feeling more empowered by gaining tools and strategies to help them cope better with the situation. 
  • If you have rung the Here for You line, our counsellors can provide advice on navigating the mental health system and what services may be available to you. We can also provide guidance on how to access a psychologist or a psychiatrist and provide contacts for mental health advocacy or for making a formal complaint about mental health services.
  • If you are experiencing ongoing issues with your own mental health and wellbeing, we can suggest a range of easy and practical strategies and exercises you can put into place to help manage or alleviate symptoms of stress and anxiety. Similarly, we can provide advice on when it is appropriate or desirable to consult with your G.P. or psychiatrist on issues surrounding your medication.

Helplines like those provided by ADMHSS are commonly the first port of call when people look for assistance for difficulties surrounding mental health or issues relating to alcohol and other drugs. It is our hope that this information has helped to build awareness of our services that are freely available and of how we may be able to assist you during what can seem like an extraordinarily bleak chapter in one’s life. Too often, people facing these issues feel isolated and alone. It doesn’t have to be that way.

The process is as follows: 

  1. Your call will be answered with information about confidentiality and confirmation the call may be monitored for training purposes. 

  2. You will have the choice to talk to either a qualified counsellor or a trained parent and family peer volunteer – it’s up to you. 

  3. If you selected to speak to another parent, a qualified counsellor will introduce themselves and ask for your first name and some information about your situation before transferring you through to a parent family peer volunteer. If you wish to use a different name or remain anonymous, it’s up to you. 

  4. It’s okay if you are feeling nervous, we’ll start the conversation by asking you some questions and will help you talk about what you have been going through. 

  5. Your counsellor or parent family peer volunteer can assist you to find other services you can get more help from. 

  6. As your call wraps up, your counsellor or parent family peer volunteer may offer a follow up call or encourage you to call back as you need. They can also provide information about the support groups and programs we run for any family members affected by someone else’s alcohol and other drug use. 

No, we are not a crisis service. It can be beneficial to call a helpline before you reach a crisis, so you can get help to prevent the situation from getting worse. In a mental health crisis call the Mental Health Emergency Response Line on 1300 555 788. In an emergency call 000.

No, you do not need to have co-occurring issues, we are here to provide support for mental health and/or alcohol or other drug issues.

No, appointments are not needed.

Qualified counsellors are available 24/7 for one-to-one phone line support, while trained parent and family peer volunteers are available throughout the day to provide peer support.

You are welcome to call any of our three support lines whenever you feel you need support. 

  • Alcohol and Drug Support Line (08) 9442 5000
  • Parent and Family Drug Support Line (08) 9442 5050
  • Here For You Support Line 1800 437 348

If you are worried about someone close to you, you can access the Parent and Family Drug Support Line to work through your feelings, learn healthy coping skills and strategies to handle difficult behaviours. Most importantly you can learn to look after yourself. You may also wish to attend one of our support groups or programs. Go to "Find Support Groups and Programs" to find an event that suits you.

All ADMHSS services are free.

A parent family peer volunteer is a family member of someone who has experienced alcohol or other drug issues. The Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Support Service has trained all parent family peer volunteers to provide peer support.

The parent and family peer volunteer’s role is to draw on their lived experience of supporting their child through an alcohol or other drug issue, as well as their Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Support Service training, to help other parents in similar situations. Callers often tell us how helpful it is talking to someone who understands their situation from a personal perspective. Many callers report feeling less alone, less to blame and more empowered by gaining tools and strategies to help them cope better with the situation.

The parent family peer volunteer will also talk about the support groups and programs we offer and help you consider which one might be right for you and/or other members of your family. Go to "Find Support Groups and Programs" to find a group that suits you.

Only if a caller disclosed they had intentions of hurting themselves or others would the Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Support Service (ADMHSS) have a legal responsibility to share information with emergency services in order to help keep those involved safe. Other than that, information would only be shared, if relevant, with other members of the ADMHSS support team. If consumer case notes were subpoenaed for a legal case, the ADMHSS may be obligated to share them.

Yes, the Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Support Service must summarise the call under the State records Act. These are kept in a confidential and secure electronic system that cannot be accessed by any other service. We are bound by privacy and confidentiality legislation so we cannot disclose your information. If you indicate intent to hurt yourself or others, we have a duty of care to help ensure safety and this may mean we breach your confidentiality. Please read the information below for further details.  

We are a Western Australian based service. If you are calling from interstate, we will direct you to your local Mental Health or Alcohol and Drug Information Service.

For information on  Public Interest Disclosures of Freedom of Information requests, please click on the links.

Page last updated10 January 2025